Internet Tips

Latest Developing Threats in Mobile Phishing (Infographic)


Mobile security has become one of the most pressing issues in today’s business world – and for a good reason. With virtually all employees now routinely access corporate data through their mobile devices, it is imperative for companies to enhance their security policies and systems in place to keep their sensitive information out of the wrong hands.

One of the most dreading mobile threat facing many businesses these days is mobile phishing. More often than not, mobile phishing attacks are driven by sophisticated social engineering techniques. Therefore, it is critical for business owners to educate their employees about these techniques and develop a systematic plan that will minimize their exposure to such risk.

According to research, 85% of companies have already suffered phishing attacks whether they are aware of it or not. This is why it is not surprising that many Chief Information Security Officers often cite mobile phishing as one the things that keep them up at night. Such attack is so effective and pervasive that keeping updated with the recent developments in mobile phishing is must to virtually all organizations these days.

There are lots of compelling reasons why mobile phishing is considered as more effective than its desktop counterpart. One is that many offices these days allow their employees to use their devices to carry out business processes – more commonly known as BYOD. More and more workers are viewing both their personal and work email accounts on their smartphone, thus blurring the line between personal and business ownership of the information received on the device in question. When the ownership of information stored in the device is not clear, the higher the risk of the company to fall victim to mobile phishing.



To learn more about the risks and the latest threats in mobile phishing, check out the infographic above from TeleMessage.

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